West Paris Water District

Our water source is a 58-foot gravel packed well located at the District’s gravel pit northeast of town off Pioneer Street. We add soda ash to the water to increase the pH and provide corrosion control. The District maintains 226 connections that service a population of approximately 900.


141 Bethel Rd, West Paris, ME 04289

Mailing: PO Box 233, West Paris, ME 04289

Contact Info

Office: 207-674-2234
Fax: 207-674-2236



We're working with the US Environmental Protection Agency to meet a mandate to identify and catalog materials used in the service lines that bring water from the street to houses and businesses to ensure no lead is present. Our goal is to provide safe drinking water or all, and if lead is present, it can cause serious health problems, especially among infants, young children, and pregnant women.

Please complete the survey by clicking the link below:

SURVEY (Link for survey can be shared)

If you have any questions at all regarding this survey or experiencing technical difficulties, feel free to contact us. Thank you.

Boil Water Order

Click to view, print and download

View/Print Boil Water Order PDF

2023 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report

Click to view, print and download

2023 Water Quality Report

Notice Certification For TTV

Click to view, print and download

Notice Certification For TTV


Trustee/Chairman: Brandon Ballweber
Trustee/Treasurer: Sonya Tardif
Trustee #3: vacant
Superintendent/Operator: William Gardner
Secretary/Office Clerk: C. Perez.

Water Rates